All posts in category Teacherish

I need to stop making my kids sit

Oh man. There is a lot of truth in this: Think back to a multi-day conference or long PD day you had and remember that feeling by the end of the day – that need to just disconnect, break free, go for a run, chat with a friend, or surf the web and catch up […]

Jumping from one assessment to the next

I sat down in front of my inbox and got a query from a colleague: Where’s that assessment that’s due for next week? Of course, the tone wasn’t as sharp as that at all, but that is how my brain heard it. And so instead of cracking away at that of course I have a […]

Parents just don’t understand

Ever since starting to operate and maintain a learning management system, more and more I have in my own mind’s eye an understanding of the “typical user” as one less and less able to use a computer effectively. This isn’t defeatism, though, it’s being exposed to more and more users who simply have no idea […]

Assembly on Bobby Thompson

A few years ago I volunteered to do an assembly to start off the school year. Being the start of the year, I chose an inspirational theme, and baseball usually calls when it comes to me and inspiration, and so of course I went with the 1951 pennant and good ole Bobby Thompson. There wasn’t […]

Is it a fallacy to not use backwards design?

Fallacies are notable not only for their wrong-ness but ease-ness in which they are made. Case in point today is elucidated pretty clearly over at Grant Wiggins’ post. He talks about the fallacy of breaking things down (he just calls it a mistake, though) in education in terms of syllabus or textbook writing. He’s responding […]

Curriculum has to have a point of view

I have a distaste for the meme “just let them choose what they want to read.” The weakest argument, I think, is that not all students even read x book that was assigned reading: Perhaps 5-7 students take over the role of answering the teacher’s questions. Some, but not likely all, of these students have […]

Towards “A.D.E.”ish

To become a member of Apple Distinguished Educator, class of 2013, I have to do a movie. It’s sort of assumed it’s a take about what I already do in my classroom that utilizes Apple products well. I sort of have a different idea. I’m thinking of talking about what I am going to do over […]


Have you ever realized that focus sounds like “ef us”?

Moodle 2.3

I’m in the process of updating my school’s online learning space to the latest and greatest from It’s a website that is especially designed to accommodate the needs of teachers to collaborate online with students in a classroom environment. I’ve used several versions of Moodle 1.x previously, and the takeaway with this version is […]


“It is okay if I … take … this book?” He meant borrow when he said take, but his quirky-ness and smile revealed his enthusiasm for the book’s topic, hence the honest use of the word take. It’s a dry title, so I won’t bore you with how this book calls itself, and yes it […]